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MAC's Tournament raised £4300

Monday 29th August saw the yearly MAC's Tournament at Welwyn Tennis Club. It was an all-day mixed doubles progressive "American style" friendly tournament handicapped to suit mixed standards. A great day with lunch included and proceeds going to charity.

This year, TRACKS Autism were lucky enough to be picked as the clubs charity for the event. Our Centre Co-ordinator, Gaby Vallory was in attendance and gave the members a wonderful speech explaining a little about TRACKS and why fundraising is so important to us.

The day raised a huge £4300 which included a matched Barclays Plc donation. The funds raised will be going towards the core costs of keeping TRACKS up and running, allowing us to continue to support the children and families who come to us.

If you'd like to support TRACKS with fundraising or donations, please check out our fundraising page


TRACKS Autism, Tracks House, Boulton Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, SG1 4QX

01438 748132

Registered Charity Number: 1107257 | Registered Company Number: 05156359 | Ofsted Number: EY485394  
©2022 by TRACKS (autism).

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